Cooking, Connection, and Culture: Zoya Ahmed’s Journey to Satisfying Her Bangladeshi Palate

Welcome to my Bengali culinary journey—a tale that began in the vibrant streets of Thailand and led me to embrace the taste of my Bangladeshi roots. I’m Zoya Ahmed, a marketer and entrepreneur by day, and an adventurous cook with a taste for home. My journey began in a land far from home, Thailand- where my longing for Bangladeshi cuisine ignited a fire within me.


Let’s rewind to those student days in Thailand. As a young Bangladeshi student, I found myself in a country brimming with so many flavors and vibrant street food. As much as I loved the aromas of lemongrass, chili, and coconut waft through the air and as much as I enjoyed immersing myself in Thai culture, there was always a small void in my heart, a longing for the comforting flavors of home. The aroma of my mom’s signature dishes, the laughter around the dinner table. Thailand was a feast for the senses, and yet, amidst the allure of Thai cuisine, a homesickness tugged at my heart. I craved the familiar tastes of my roots, the comforting aroma of Bengali spices that held the essence of home.

Driven by a desire to recreate the flavors of my childhood, I went on a mission to master the art of Bangladeshi cooking. But it wasn’t always easy. Ten years back, finding information about Bengali recipes on the internet wasn’t as simple as it is today. There were limited resources, and the idea of a website solely dedicated to serving this purpose seemed like a distant dream. However, my passion and determination to preserve and share the flavors of Bangladesh pushed me forward.

Kata Masala Gosht or Beef Prep

Armed with determination and a few recipes passed down from my family, I ventured into the world of spices, techniques, and ingredients. So this is how it all started- amidst the Thai fried rice and Tom Yums around me, I tried to make the fragrant pulao which was a must have on Fridays back home. Little did I know that pulao could be a tricky opponent for an amateur like me. As I started cooking, I got caught up in a whirlwind of confusion. One moment, I added too much water, turning my pulao into a soggy mess. Next, I underestimated the power of spices, making my dish bland and lifeless. But you know what they say- every mistake is a learning opportunity and finally after many trials and errors, I can make a good plate of pulao now. 

Another story of my trial and error with cooking is about making beef. Beef holds a special place in Bangladeshi cuisine, and I was determined to do justice to this beloved ingredient. My first attempt at beef curry ended up with a sauce so fiery, it could have sparked a forest fire! I had underestimated the potency of the chilies, leaving my eyes watering. But hey, who said cooking wasn’t an adventure? I persevered, adjusted the recipe, and eventually mastered (well that’s what I want to believe) the art of creating a mouthwatering beef curry that has become my Signature Item. 

As my skills grew, so did my passion for experimenting with diverse dishes. Fish, chicken and an array of traditional Bangladeshi delicacies found their way onto my ever-expanding menu. 

I got a lot of help from my friend’s father who used to visit us in Thailand. He possessed an encyclopedic knowledge about Bangladeshi cuisine. Among the many gems Uncle shared with me, one secret stood out: roasted cumin powder. He insisted that this magical ingredient should be added at the end of the chicken curry (laal murgir jhol) just before serving. Why, you ask? Well, the answer lies in preserving the essence of freshly toasted cumin. By adding it last, the aroma remains vibrant, elevating the dish to new heights of deliciousness.

Fish Fry Prep

But here’s the beauty of it all—cooking Bengali food became so much more than just satisfying my own cravings. It evolved into a celebration of diversity and a way to bridge cultures. It became a communal experience, a way to bring together friends from different cultures and introduce them to the richness of my heritage. Food became the thread that wove our friendships tighter, bridging the gaps between cultures and fostering a sense of belonging.

Fast forward to 2022, when destiny smiled upon me and presented an opportunity I couldn’t resist, an angel called The Wannabe Cook. This passion project became a bridge between my love for cooking and preserving the rich culinary heritage of Bangladesh. Digitizing family recipes, curating a digital publication, and celebrating our roots became my shared mission with The Wannabe Cook team. From humble beginnings to significant milestones, I’ve witnessed the growth of this endeavor firsthand. Together, we’ve collected treasured recipes, connected with fellow food lovers, and spread the joy of Bangladeshi cuisine far and wide.

What made the experience even more fulfilling was realizing that The Wannabe Cook could be a helping hand for those who, like me years before, were staying away from home and longing for the taste of Bengali flavors. Through our digital platform, we provide a haven for those seeking information and guidance on Bengali recipes. Whether it is a student studying abroad or someone yearning to recreate the dishes of their childhood, The Wannabe Cook is a valuable resource, offering a sense of connection and support.

Chicken Jalfrezi

Engaging with the audience became a crucial part of The Wannabe Cook experience. Through social media platforms, I connected with food lovers, sharing recipes and collecting stories. Together, we embarked on cooking challenges, where we enjoyed recipe contests and documented our cooking adventures- burnt edges, failed attempts, and all. 

My story is a reminder that the taste of home can be found in the most unexpected places, and that sharing a meal is an act of love, connection, and understanding. And now as we come to the end of my story, I invite you to ponder a question: What does food mean to you? Is it a mere necessity or a gateway to memories, connections, and a celebration of culture?

Stay hungry, stay curious, and keep cooking with love.

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